Rally Scoring in Pickleball

rally scoring in pickleball

Rally Scoring in Pickleball

We are covering rally scoring vs traditional scoring in pickleball. To some the idea of changing the way the game is scored is taboo. Others have adopted rally scoring in clubs and leagues especially if time is tight.

Traditional Scoring in Pickleball

In traditional pickleball scoring only the serving team is awarded a point if they win the rally. The non-serving team is playing for the side out. They do this by winning the first service rally and forcing the second player to serve. They (the non-serving team) must then win the rally again causing a side out. At this point they have been not awarded a point but have won the right to serve. Remember you can only win points when your team is serving.

Rally Scoring Explained

In rally scoring whichever team wins the rally is awarded a point. This is much more like tennis. Rally scoring games are usually played to a higher score (15 or 21) because points are won so rapidly. Remember, unlike traditional scoring a point is awarded on every rally.

Benefits of Rally Scoring

The primary benefits of rally scoring in pickleball is the pace that games are played. Scoring on every service speeds the game up about 20% or more. This allows for quicker rotations on crowded courts. If you have ever been sidelined waiting for crowded court you will appreciate this.

In addition to quicker games, rally scoring also results in more consistent and predictable game durations. Everyone has been in a #pickleball game or two that feels never-ending due to all the side outs

Differences in Serve: Rally vs Traditional Scoring

In traditional scoring you rotate court positions with your partner when you win a point during your serve. Meaning after you win your serve you change court position with your partner and serve again. This is the same in rally scoring.

In rally scoring there is no second server. If you lose the rally the opponent is award the point and it is now their serve. Since there is no second server there is no third number called out during score announcement. Score announcement is rally scoring is simple you score followed by the opponents score.

The serve is made by the player positioned on the right side if the serving team’s score is even. If the serving team’s score is odd the serve is made from the player on the left side. This is similar to scoring singles in pickleball. Rest assured, both players will get a chance to serve during the game, just not immediately after your partner serves.

Recap: If the serving team wins the rally, they’re awarded a point and they (serving team) rotate court positions. If the serving team loses the rally, the receiving team wins the point and it is now their serve. Remember, in rally scoring the service always comes from the right or left depending on the score being even or odd.

Official Rules on Rally Scoring

The “Official” Pickleball Rulebook does no mention of rally scoring. Will be added in the future? No one knows but for now is left to be debated on the court.

Need a Visual Reference

Here is a great visual guide from CJ Johnson